Sunday, November 29, 2009


Another slow and resting day.... Never really did much , eat watch tv , use computer . And I cleared out my closet and repacked it . And seriously people I realised I have a lot of clothes , I have more tops than bottoms I think . But anyway , I realise how sometimes I don't wear a lot of clothes and that I really waste a lot of money but I still want to buy more . ._. I KNOW , it's insane . Seriously , want to go shopping ! Anyway , I still haven't collected my blogshop bag , the person finally collected it . XD And tomorrow got Word For Life excited but yet I feel like no one is going and all those that I know who are going the same course as me are guys... ._. But yeah , really want to learn God's word ! And really hope my contacts reply !!! Yeah , I want to be a shepherd , but there's no sheep to shepherd.. And I realised I still got the English book review/report crappy homework to do . BORING , but yeah , anyway , if you guys got any praise/worship song to recommend please tell me ! Thanks ! (:

Fiona praised Jesus at 5:39 AM

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Okay , so none of my contacts came so I served in usher today . Yeah although quite disappointed I couldn't bring anyone but I think usher was really fun today ! Everyone was like joking the whole time and everything went smoothly except that we over run . But everyone moved out quite fast . So yeah , I still managed to eat with my lifegroup and thanks Joanne for the thoughtful gift . (: And after eating I went to work , tiring but it's for others so why not ? And today's service was about 'Crossing Impossibilities With Our Faith' , pastor Shirely preached today . Exodus 14:10-22
1. Stand firm in the face of impossibilities(v10-14)
We'll normally be afraid when our road in life has a problem/challenge . (v10)
The Lord will fight for us but doesn't mean we don't do anything and just hide .
The second reaction we have when faced with a problem is blaming others. (v11)
And we also have regrets , like yes I want to do this then no omgosh why like that ?!(v12)
And when we overcome trails we have we really grow in out area of weaknesses and during the holidays is really the best time to grow ad walk closer to God .
2.Persevere In The Midst Of Impossibilities . (v15-18)
Obey God's divine guidence(v16)
Discern God's divine purpose(v18)
3.Exprience God Through The Impossibilities . (v19-22)
Have Faith In God .
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly , and whoever sows generously will also reap generously . Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give , not reluctantly or under complusion , for God loves a cheerful giver .
And you know I really want to give back to God's people because God has blessed me with uncountable blessings and I want to be able to give back to Him and His people . So that people can also exprience God's blessings . And I want to really give to the church building fund because it weren't for the people who forked out all their money to buy nexus I won't have been saved and have my life transformed and I want people to also exprience the same thing . Knowing God was the best thing that ever happened to me and if I never knew christ I don't know how suckish my life would have been and I want people to be able to exprience life to the fullest just like me . And I want their hearts to be touched so that more people can serve God together you know . And yeah , I really hope to be able to give so much more .

Fiona praised Jesus at 4:24 AM

Friday, November 27, 2009

Bible studying;

Today stayed at home the whole day , my mother didn't allow me to go for the NE picnic so never mind . I'm trying to be contented with everything that I have so I'm not blaming God that my mother didn't let me go . And I also had to honour my parents right ? So yeah , morning fasted , afternoon broke fast , then about 3 I started my bible study I didn't want to rush this time round cause I really want to read intently and not miss out any detail , but after reading chapter 3 of Acts I started to feel tired... Yeah , not that it was boring but I was really tired and because raining so you find it easier to sleep . I was so proud of myself cause last night I finally finished the book of Luke ! XD Anyway so when I read chapter 4 & 5 actually didn't even know what I reading , I reading half way I dose off like 1 minute then I realise I fell asleep then woke up and continue reading then like going to fall then wake up then when I finish reading I planed to note down what I've learnt but was too tired so I decided to sleep then wake up and read through again . And I think I slept for two hours ? But was still quite tired but I still pulled myself out of bed to read again roughly and write down what I've learnt . And Acts 2 they talked about the holy spirit so I was encouraged to pray for the holy spirit again . Because it was very long time ago when I tried to pray for the holy spirit but this time I really thought I would be able to speak because I really prayed long and hard and I really really asked God for it . But I didn't succeed but it's okay larh so after that I went to eat dinner . My mother stayed home the whole day too , she didn't have to work , don't know why but anyway she made muffins and cookies ! <3 ! Hahahaha , then I actually forget about practising my guitar... ._. AND , what's worst was after eating I realised I forgot to say grace , I WAS SO SHOCKED YOU KNOW ! But I think cause I was abit not full woken up yet and was abit down that I still can't speak in tongues . I felt so stupid -.- ! Anyway , tomorrow still not sure if I'm serving usher because Wenzen told me to invite someone cause she said that God wanted me to , so I tried sms-ing my contacts but till now still no reply , so if not reply I'll ask one of my best friend , been trying to get her to come for ages . So see if anyone replys or is willing to come if not I'll serve usher tomorrow . I don't know why larh but when I'm not with my lifegroup or doing some church activity I'll feel down and lonely , I won't feel God's presence I don't if I think too much or because I'm too much of a people person ? Like the person has to be physically here... Yeah and like I don't know how to put it but I feel like I was back in those days that when I haven't met Jesus yet , the days where I had no life . But cause you know Wenzhen always seem so joyful all the time you know ? Once someone told me happiness last for only that moment but joy from God lasts forever . You can feel joy at any time when there's nothing to be joyful about . And even one of my best friends , she has known christ since young . Her name is Jasmine and she's always in a good mood you know ? And I'm still wondering why I can't be like them I can't feel joyful all the time 24/7 . Only twice have I felt that overwhelming presence of God , that unexplainable feeling you get . I guess it was cause I felt insecured and He comforted me . So yeah , sian , NO ONE REPLIED YET and apprently my best friend is not in Singapore -.- ? Haiz...

Fiona praised Jesus at 5:11 AM

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Lifegroup was awesome ! We had it at Wanxin's house . The first thing we did was EAT , haha , we we spegatti cooked by Wanxin . Surprisingly edible . :x Anyway , while eating we shared our blessings for the week . Yeah , and I really thank God that I had a lot of rivival in my spiritual life . And that I've realy matured during this holiday . And I've a packed schedule but still I'm able to do everything and always relying on Him for strength and guidence . Anyway , after eating , we played some games . Then after playing games , we filmed some lame stuff , LOL , I think throughout the whole caregroup we filmed more than three times ?! It was all Wenzhen's idea as usual . Than we slack-ed and waited for Jasmine . So when she arrived we went up to Wanxin's spare house to have our teaching . And today's teaching was about , drawing near to God . We must have a delibrate walk with God because just reading His word without applying it then what's the point ? Take it like we learn to speak but we don't talk ? And if we walk close to God , we'll be successful . And in order to take action we must spend everyday with Jesus , when we wake up in the morning we can pray to Him . It doesn't have to be a long prayer but this prayer is just to help you start the day off with Him . We don't have to be some priest or saint to walk close to God , we can be ordinary people living extraordinary lives . No one can stop us from talking/living life with God . We should also spend our quiet time with God daily . Because reading His word is just like spiritual food for our spiritual life to fill our spiritual hunger .
1.Pray to God for wisdom and understanding of His word .
2.Read intenly .
3.Think of what the verse is trying to say .
4.Apply what you have learnt .
5.Journal it down .
6.Use what you have learnt to bless people . Like if your friends are feeling discouraged use a verse to encourage them .
Why should we walk close to God ?
Faith without deed is dead . It is very weird to proclaim that you love God when you don't even know Him . In order to know Him more is to simply read His word , understand His character , love and His will . So we must walk close to God to make what we proclaim valid . And after walking close with Him we'll have spiritual break thorughs . We'll change into better people in terms of - out thoughts , character and lifestyle . On top of that we learn to become more christ-like . And because Jesus is perfect , when we become more like Him we'll grow in our area of weaknesses . If we want to do things to the best of our abilities we must rely on God's strength and not ours' or we'll never succeed . Be led by the holy spirit , always rely on God , we can't live life without God , be more word-centred and grow in the area of the word of God . Tomorrow got NE picnic but not sure if I'm going , PRAY for me so that I can go . Thanks ! XD

Fiona praised Jesus at 4:00 AM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Woke up early today for shepherding . Like 8am ? Yeah but end up I was still late so weird larh . Anyway , I meet Wenzhen at AMK hub then we walked to the library . And for the first time in my life I actually sat down and did my homework . I mean like without doing something else and really tried to concentrate larh . Cause I want to prove to my mother that I could balance my spiritual life and school life . So I'll chiong for next year . Anyway after doing like what , two hours of maths ? We went to eat , but she didn't eat larh cause she was fasting longer than me . So we went subway then after eating we stayed there and had formal shepherding . Then , I learnt that this servant of Abraham , this servant he could have inherited all of Abraham's things but cause Abraham had a child , this servant didn't get anything . But anyway , this servant still served Abraham faithfully larh . And on top of that he had to find Abraham's son , Issac , a bride to marry . Can you imagine larh , you didn't get any inheritance from your owner and the person who took it who you now had to help find a bride . I think we should really learn from him , he's humble and he still did what majority of peole won't do . And he asked God for help when he set off to find this bride and it reminded me larh , we're serving God and we're doing everything for Him . And we always need to rely on Him for strength and guidence . And His plan is always better than what we want for ourselves and His perpsectives on things aren't always the same . And no matter what we should always know our place in the sense that if we're a servant we should serve to the best of our ablities and never betray our masters . Even if our master doesn't appreciate us or even reward us . And we shouldn't do things with the mentality that we'll be rewarded but have the mentality that we're serving God because He has blessed us with uncountable things and that He is why we can live life to the fullest . And I really believe no matter what we do , we should always remember we're doing it for God and we should do things the way He wants us to do it .

Fiona praised Jesus at 6:20 AM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bible study;

In the afternoon I went for guitar lessons , it was kinda okay ? Then when I came back , I ate and slack-ed awhile before doing my bible study . I wanted to do bible study because I wanted to have revival in my spiritual life and also I find that I'm super slow larh huh . And yeah , I took quite long to read cause I'm a slow reader... Anyway I read Luke 12 all the way to Luke 20 ! That's like 9 chapters okay ! I'm so proud of myself . LOL ! Anyway during last night's quiet time that whatever you ask for , you will recieve it . If not you'll recieve something way better . Because I've been baptise with the holy spirit for some time now but I still can't speak in tongues , but yeah I know God wants to give me this gift but it's just not the right time yet so I'll keep trying . I guess cause I don't really have the desire any more . And also this verse...
Luke 11:23
"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.
I think God wants me to stay close to Him so I won't scatter and be lost . And also...
Luke 11:37-52
It's super long so I won't type it out , but the main points are that , doesn't mean you're clean on the outside means you're clean on the inside(figure of speech) . And doesn't mean you have a 'title' means you're powerful . And I think God really wants me to learn to be humble and learn to give in to others . Anyway excited about tomorrow because I'll be having informal and formal shepherding . Quite early in the morning though then after that I'll be meeting my mother and Auntie and counsin becuase I have nothing to do and I just don't want to be at home .

Fiona praised Jesus at 3:10 AM

Monday, November 23, 2009

Weird day...;

Okay so supposedly I was suppose to start work today ? But I didn't and the person said she'll call us and stuff . So whatever . But thank God larh , if I would have to work today then I'll miss the membership class . Haha we started with praise then followed by a mathematical game(I totally sucked) LOL ! And everyone sort of used the same technique . Then pastor Shirely was telling us her own background and Hope church's background . Super cool can , I never knew that Hope church has branches in other country . And yeah , was fun and interesting . Then , I left there about 5 , the rest ate and thought about the talent thing ? Yeah.. Anyway , yesterday druing quiet time I learnt about compassion and so on .
Luke 10:30-35
30 In reply Jesus said:"A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 32 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the inn keeper. 'Look after him,' he said,'and when I return,I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
When I read this I was so amazed that the man was so willing to go more than an extra mile for a stranger . And it really shows something about him . To be willing to take care of him . I think we should all learn from him , if anyone is in need , regardless of how much you like the person , we should always help the person to the best of our ablities . And he was doing what Jesus did for us , he took compassion on us , He died on the cross for us when we were still sinners .
Luke 10:40-42
40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked,'Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" 41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered,"you are worried and upst about many things, 42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better,and it will not be taken away from her."
And I think Jesus was saying that all He wanted was just for Martha to listen to Him like what Mary did . And I think He didn't care about any of the preparations but He just wanted to share God's word and do what He came to do . And yeah.. It really struck me because we're always so concern about things but are they what we should be concerned about ? Especially since we live in Singapore , everything is so fast and it's not easy to keep up . Studies are becoming more and more complex , you need certificates of all sorts to get a job and everything . Singapore is progressing super fast and yeah we do need to be able to catch up . But I think God wants to remind us of what is more important and not to forget what your goals are .

Fiona praised Jesus at 3:02 AM

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Slow day...;

Just back from Parkway , went there with Rachaya . Hahaha had fun with her , and FYI she has became even more crazy after going to SAC . Anyway today was quite slack ? Afternoon Jasmine sent me like 1000 and 1 praise/worhsip songs x.x ! Then , nothing much happen today . I'll be going to work for one week starting tomorrow . Then , Emily didn't tell me tomorrow got the church membership class which I'm so gonna have to miss cause she told me alittle too late . *SIGH* I'll have to wait for the next one . But it's okay , I'll be missing training class(if there is) and NE picnic . Sad...But yeah..... Last night during quiet time I learnt about doing everything for God to the best we can and to be reminded that that if you want to be first you'll have to be last .
Luke 9:48
Then he said to them,"Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is least among you all-he is the greatest."
Luke 9:62
Jesus replied,"No one puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
It struck me because God doesn't want us to do something without faith . If you want to do something do it to the best of your ablities and know that it's the best you can and you have put in your heart and soul into it . Knowing that nothing will go wrong that you'll have to check if it's okay . Doing things for God to the best , He'll reward us and you know it .

Fiona praised Jesus at 5:26 AM

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Renewing my convenant to God;

WOOOOOOO My first coreteam meet ! It wasn't must because we started quite late but it's okay ! XD There will be some changes but I'm sure if it's God's will then it must be the best plan ! So Emily said we should fast for our spiritual life and those who can't go for camp . So I'll start fasting tomorrow ! And yeah thank God we weren't late for prayer meet but prayer meet was super short ?! LOL ! Weird larh but still service was fun , it was all about renewing our convenant with God and it was Pastor Micheal , when he preaches , I can't catch up seriously . And to add on to that , the projector wasn't working . ._. But it's okay I still learnt some important things . That if you make a promise to God , don't make a casual one but really stick to it and do as what you promised . And you have to renew your convenant seriously , fully and specifically . And why we should renew our convenant ? It reminds us of our allegiance to God , reminds us of our codes of conducts and as christians we need to allegiance to God . Three simple words he told us to remember , 'Make it happen' and yeah , we shouldn't sit around and wait for things to happen . Yes God is in control but if we don't do anything , what has He got to control ? And we need to repent , it's never too late as long as the clock is still ticking , God won't give up on us , so why wait ? And why give up His chance ? We should cherish it and use it to the best of our ablities ! Understand what God wants us to do and what He doesn't want us to do .
1.Read the word
2.Listen to the word
3.Meditate the word
4.Memorise the word
5.Study the word
6.Obey the word
And always have the sincere heart when you want to do something . And we have to know what is God's general/known will and His specific/unknown will . But even when He reveals His known will are we going to apply it ? Obey it ? If we don't then what's the point of Him revealing his unknown will ? I always wonder why God doesn't give me a specific answer and I always don't want to do the wrong thing and I'm super indesive so I'm always in a delima and always hesitate . And maybe I did something wrong through out the way so I'm trying to find out what . We should always be obident to God . Live according to His word . God never fails to provide so whenever you're in need of somethin don't worry just pray and things will work out fine . What we do , how we do things must and should always reflect us so do things like a christian that will reflect our christian character . Do everything will God , go through thick and thin will Him . Cause you know He'll always be right there for you . Take care of the house of God , His people , His building , don't neglect God's people . And yeah , life doesn't always go the way you want it to but know this , letting God choose everything , you'll be living life to the fullest . (:

Fiona praised Jesus at 5:25 AM

Friday, November 20, 2009

Things seem to be going in the right direction..

Well my mother doesn't seem to be affected by the fight yesterday . I think it's a good thing ? But some how I just can't help to feel disturbed by it , when I look at her , talk to her , it's just wasn't the same.. I don't know maybe I just over re-acted ? Maybe because I finally started to appreciate her and can't bear to hurt her . I wasn't like this in the past , if I did something wrong I just don't give a damn and I always thought that I was right . But now it's not the same , this time I felt I was at fault and come to think of it , it always has been . I guess I was just ignorant and stubborn but now I see that parents do what they do because they care and they just want what's best for us . I finally understand why they do what they do , I guess I should think and try my best to balance everything because I know I'm not doing it alone but God will be with me . And everyone has their own problems big or small it doesn't matter because just remember that God has a better plan for you and He'll make a way for you . I know it's hard to put your trust in Him and pretend nothing happened . But that's what life is about , if life was perfect then what is there to learn ? As each exprience pass good or bad , you'll learn something . That's what mistakes are all about remembering what you did wrong and not to repeat it again . And God wants us to take something from each exprience we have and I know that no matter what there must be something you've learnt from any and every exprience . And you should never run away from any probleming you're facing because it won't just pass but only get worst . But have faith and ask God for guidence . "Instead of telling God how great the problem is , why not tell the problem how great God is ." This quote was from Denise if you guys know him . And I find it very true and encouring because God is greater than all our problems and God won't give you something you can't over come .
Matthew 6:43
Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
So people don't be afraid of what tomorrow will bring but just live . (:

Fiona praised Jesus at 4:06 AM

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I tried to be patient I tried to balance everything , but do you see my efforts ? I've changed so much since I've known God but you still blame Him for everything ? How much I've changed and how far I've gone ? I've already improved , yes it's not the most perfect efforts but at least I'm tring right ? Better then not doing anything with my life at all . You just don't get it do you ? Then when I say this you come and comdemn me ? Then what more do you want me to do ? I'm already doing so much to please you but I keep telling myself I'm not doing this for you I'm doing all of this for God to repay Him to not waste what He has blessed with me . Yes I'm very blessed that you already allow me to go for a lot of things but am I asking for too much ? If I'm THEN STOP SPOILING ME ! I CAN TAKE A NO RIGHT ?! YES I'LL BE UPSET BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I WON'T GET OVER IT ! I know there are more people who are going through worst then I'm but I just can't take . To think I was so proud of myself that I've gone so far ? That my relationship with God has really grown ? That I've really helped people in my life ? That I wasn't what I used to be ? I know I've just failed God's test but it was just too much , I want to show God how much He means to me but I guess I just need more time and I need to stop thinking about what I can't do but what I can do . I just don't know what to do any more . I want to do my best to repay God to bless His people . I don't want to disapoint God but I really want to excel in all that I can . But I know God has His reasons for everything and He just want me to learn something from all the chaos . I've screwed up big time . You're totally upset at me I know , but I'm still just a child right ? I can only do that much and take that much . Life wasn't how you used to have it . It's different now I wished you could just see how much I've been trying to live up to your expectations to live up to God's expectation . You're comparing between me and him . Yeah I get him he's better than I'm . He listens to you , he obeys you and he's just more perfect than I'm . But I just never seem to see how life was like when I never met God . He's really the best thing that has happened to me . And I don't know why you can't just see how much I love Him , how much I need Him . I really truly now realise that God is very important to me but I don't know am I suppose to make it up to you . I really never thought of it , if I was never allowed to attend services , caregroups and so on . But yes I'm sorry not being the child you wanted me to be I get it , you just want what's best for me . But don't get I get to choose what I want to do with my life ? This coming year I realy want do excel in my studies but you keep acusing me . Becase this holiday I just really want to grow closer to God I really do . That why I've been swamming myself with everything and anything . I try not to think about it now but I don't how am I suppose know ? I can't remember everything you know , I really want to be the best I can be but I don't know how to balance GOD,STUDIES,FRIENDS,MUSIC all at the same time . I'm only human you know . I've never felt so upset before . I've cried for so long , not even over a guy . I'm sorry okay , I really am . I want to make it up to you but now I just don't even know how to talk to you . Because it's never come down to this , you were never so disapointed in me . Now I really know why but I don't know what to do because I just want all of this to have never happened.. But I know God made it happen for a reason and I think I know what but I'm jst so confused now I don't know what to do..
And I have a request for those of you who has just read this , could you pray for me ? Pray that everything will work out and that this will just pass and forgotten . Pray that my emotions won't get the better of me and I'll be able to balance everything . Thank you .

Fiona praised Jesus at 5:22 AM

Out-reaching + Caregroup !

I came back home like 6+ ? Morning I managed to wake up on time , not like some people , woke up late , I'm not going to mention who but yeah it's okay because we managed to plan finish the games . So thank God ! XD Then after the game planning we went out-reaching at Anderson , it was raining but after prayer the rain stopped , YEAH ! Then we tried going into the school , we pretended that we were Geok Leng's cousins who was helping her carry her books then in the end we came out because the school was quite empty ? Then the guard was quite suspious so I faked that Geok Leng forget to bring her book list . Then , we just sat at the bus stop waiting for people to come out . Then there was this girl from the book shop and she seemed kinda of friendly so yeah I think we'll be able to bring her to church . Then there were mostly china people because I think they were having some course ? But it's okay because we already tried our best . Then after that we waited for Wenzhen to come after she reach , we ended off with prayer . Then off to Jasmine's house . The trip was quite long . Then her mother was so nice and her brother too . You know her brother's caregroup was going clark quay ?! Rich... Anyway , we ate , played games and watched a movie . The movie was , 'Meet Dave' I watched before already but it was still quite funny . Then if you all got watch before or remember the part . Dave was sleeping on the streets with this guy ? Then the guy offered his blanket to Dave . And it's not like that guy was the richest man on earth . And I really think that God is really reminding me to give . Yesterday during quiet time I was reading then there was this part about giving and don't expect repayment .
Luke 6:28-31
28 bless those who curse you,pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
And I think God wants me to give not because I know the more I give the more I recieve but give because He wants me to give and it's the right thing to do . And shouldn't give because you want to recieve more but give because you want to bless others . Another thing that God spoke to me during my quiet time yesterday .
Luke 5:31-32
Jesus replied , "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
I believe that God wants to tell me to attend to those who need more guidence . The ones who are not as spiritually mature . Those who need to be lead the right way . And so I'll try my best to reach out to those who need someone to tell them that their wrong and show them what is right . And I thank God that my mother didn't rememver caregroup ended early today because I reached home later then expected . Anyway , thank God for all of you who came down for out-reaching today , it was a bit chui but it's okay ! We'll try harder next time ! :D
Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name will trust you, for you, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.

Fiona praised Jesus at 2:36 AM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

XD !

I've just bathed finished . Afternoon Clara wanted to go to the gym . So after her M & D she came over to my house . Then Wanxin also came along . We walked to the condo then the person say only resisdent then can use . Then sua I needed to photo copy things anyway so we went to the so called book shop then Clara and Wanxin went to buy bubble tea . After I was done I also went over to buy something to drink . Then , we went to the playground there . There was this shelted mushroom table with stools so we sat there . Then , Wanxin did the spiritual gifting test and I explained to her every single gift . Then after we were done , went to Wanxin's house because Clara wanted her to help her cut her hair . (Wanxin is really a good hair dresser) Then I just make cup noodle and waited till they were done .Then after Clara was done , she went home . Then I wanted to try out Wanxin's hair straightener , barely any diffrence but yeah a little different . Then after we were done , we used the computer and she was showing me some stuff on Youtube , slacked a little . Then we forgot that we were suppose to plan caregroup games . So we just sort of thought of the game then do the rest tomorrow before going for outreaching and caregroup . Then I went home about 6.30p.m ? Then when I got home my mother totally freaked out ? Because I already told her that going gym because she said I couldn't go for training class then she like so pissed off that I never told her ? But Wanxin's house is like just beside mine so I didn't know she'll freak if I didn't tell her right ? And I got a shock , but thank God that she still allows me to go out tomorrow . :D I'm going to go prepare some stuff for caregroup already . Bye !

Fiona praised Jesus at 4:06 AM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Life tranformation;

I've decided to blog again . I wanted to blog again because I wanted to invest in my gift of evangelism . Yesterday was a hetic day woke up at reached shcool 7.30a.m more or less . It was the actual day of COE then they gave us some bun and a packet of milo . Then most of them were getting their make up done . The director of the Bella-T and the I can't remember what is the title , if you were there to see the skits . She was talking to Shawn(the SL and chairman of drama) . He had to do a monologue about being like actor something like that . So his monologue goes something like this , 'You see that sun ? My dreams are with that sun , it always set but it never seems to rise . As the sun sets my dreams are following it , the colour fades so does my dreams . But I know when the sun sets it rises in another place . A place blessed by that light .' So the so called director was asking him if he knew what it meant and what it means to him . So she was like saying , 'The sun sets but doesn't mean your dreams are gone is just means someone else's dreams are coming true . What have you accomplised in your 14 going 15 years of life ?' He replied saying ,'Joining drama , passing exams , the musicial , SYF .' She said ,'So as each exprience pass you gain something new , doesn't mean SYF is over means your dream was destroyed it just means you've accomplised it . And see where you are now , leading the drama to further heights . ' And at that point it struck me , in order to be first you have to be last , I can't remeber what is the exact verse but I finally understood what God meant by that . And I was super amazed and like telling myself 'OH MY GOSH' . It's really cool how God speaks to us , directly or indirectly . Anyway COE turned out okay so after that I went for guitar lesson . Guitar lesson was tiring cause I was already aching . Then after that I had imformal sheperding with Wenzhen . Ate at J8 food court . I made her rush out because she didn't pick up my calls . I spamed her with like 30 calls ? Then in the end she was suppose to lend Zi Xuan sony ericsson charger then she forgot to bring . Then we went to training class together . Training class was about spiritual giftings , yeah so after training class it rained . So weird I wanted to take the bus but somehow I don't know why I started to walk to sommerset instead then I walked quite far already then I decided not to walk back . And I really thank God that my mother didn't scold me . (: And yeah , I had lots of fun .

Fiona praised Jesus at 7:06 PM


Fiona Krissie Teh
Deyi secondary School
6th June 1996
Child of God
Hope Church(Youth)

The Girl;

I love God,my family,friends & everyone else .
I'm currently serving in the usher ministry .
My shepherd is Chua Wenzhen Joy .
My care group is NEA1 .
I'm trying to learn the guitar .
My cca is drama .

Life Transformation;

Before I knew God , I was a petty,
Impatient,spoiled,ungrateful,unreasonable,ah lian wanna-be.
I had no dreams , no idea where I was heading and no purpose.
But I didn't want to be alive for no reason.
I've always thought that I was useless.
It would have been better that I wasn't alive.
But I didn't want to die just yet.
Because I knew that life was precious.
I continued to search for meaning,purpose and reasons.
And last christmas I was invited to Yhope.
I grew up in a catholic school.
I knew God then but I never had a relationship with Him.
At that time , my results were already out and my school was already chosen.
I was going to Deyi.
At first I wasn't really committed to God.
And I had some parental objection.
But Wenzhen was assigned to be my shepherd.
She helped me to overcome my objection and she encouraged me to be more committed.
And she never gave up on me , she is one of the reasons why I've changed so much.
Yes she's naggy but it's really great to have a shepherd like her.
And I thought of it , somehow everything linked.
I never studied for PSLE but I got 220.
I was never accepted in Holy Innocent.
But in Deyi.
My god sister asked me to come but she never made it in.
At first it was hard.
But I got used to it.
Everything made sense to me.
Why I scored how much I scored.
Why I came Deyi.
Why my mother allowed me to go out that day.
If I hadn't gone out with my friends.
I would have never met Hui Xuan,Chantel or Grace they all.
I would have not converted.
And I wouldn't have what I have today.
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you
Seek the LORD your God,
You will find him if you
Look for Him with all your heart
And will all your soul.
I searched for God.
And He made a way for me.
He had a better plan for me.
It was just the beginning of a new found life.
I want to dedicate this blog to God.
All of you who hasn't known God yet.
I really encourage you to do so.
It will really be the best decision you ever make.
He will never leave nor forsake you.
He will never short change you.
He will never fail you.
Psalm 118:1
Give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good;
His Love endures forever.



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Bibical Sites;

Bible CC
Cross Walk
Bible Gateway


Fung Ling<3
Joey Chee<3


Cheng Mun<3
Kway Zawe<3
Li Anne<3




Geok Leng<3
Meng Wee<3



Monthly Memories

November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010


Blog Skin & Design
Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

Designing Program
Adobe Photoshop

Bible Verses
Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

IceCracks Fractal Brushes Set1
Tree Brushes by JavierZhX

Creative Commons License
This work by Jeremy Teng (hysterically-weird) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.